Via Spam-Mail erhalten Sie ein Kooperationsangebot von Mr. Sergey Petrov, dem Int. Coordinator. der Zakazchik Media. In dieser Mail werden Ihnen über 1 Million Geschäftsadressen aus Russland, Litauen usw. angeboten, natürlich übersetzt:
Ladies and Gentlemen:
We are proud to offer you the new edition of the „Eurasian Business Directory“ – DVD database of 1.200.000 companies from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, translated in the English, French and German language.
The database contains name, postal address, phone, fax, website, email,contact name, country of representation and description for each company. The information has been fully checked and updated in January, 2008.
You will find using the database extremely easy because of the wide search options: companies sorted by name, categories, trademark, products, address, email, website, countries of export/import, representatives in another countries, etc. Programme offers an option for saving the search results to files in different formats (doc, txt, xls and others).
The DVD also includes:
1. Detailed information on exhibitions, which will take place in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia during the 2008 year. 2. Information on authorities; economic and geographical information for the mentioned countries. 3. List of special economic zones. 4. Maps and phone codes of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.
Should you be interested in ordering the Directory, please don’t hesitate to contact us. The price of the directory is 210.- Euros, inclusive of shipping to your country.
Yours faithfully,
Mr. Sergey Petrov,
Int. Coordinator.
Zakazchik Media.E-mail:
Web: www.eurasianpages. com
Über die angegeben Web-Adresse werden Sie auf die Seite weitergeleitet:
Die Ihnen angebotene DVD mit den o. a. Firmendaten soll 210 Euro kosten. Ob Sie das Geld jemals wiedersehen, stelle ich mal in den Raum, andererseits finden Sie auch hier in Deutschland mehrere „Adressbroker„, die Ihnen sowohl Daten von Firmen, als auch von Privatpersonen verkaufen, wie beispielsweise SuperComm oder Trebbau & Koop.
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